November 2019

Downtown Core Programming Plan

The City of Ottawa is developing an action plan for recreation and culture programming for the downtown core. Lifelong involvement in recreation and culture is vital to creating healthy, creative, and inclusive communities. With a shift in demographics, aging infrastructure and market competition in the downtown core, it is time to redefine the recreation and …

Downtown Core Programming Plan Read More »

ByWard Market Public Realm Plan

On October 24th we hosted workshop # 3 at Courtyard by Marriott Ottawa. As you know, the ByWard Market is one of the most well known destinations in Ottawa. This iconic precinct’s cultural and heritage assets attract local residents as well as visitors from across Canada and the world. The heritage public market building is at …

ByWard Market Public Realm Plan Read More »

Potential traffic calming options for King Edward

Lowertown residents – we need your voice to help make some much-needed traffic calming improvements on King Edward Avenue closer to reality. The future of King Edward – a reduction to four lanes is only possible when a sixth interprovincial bridge gets built – but waiting for this is not the answer. The answer is …

Potential traffic calming options for King Edward Read More »

City unveils 2020 Budget: What that means for Lowertown, Sandy Hill and Vanier

#OttBudget2020 The city unveiled its 2020 Draft Budget on Nov. 6. For Lowertown, Sandy Hill and Vanier, this budget includes several ward investments I am pleased to see. It is too early to discuss the nitty-gritty of the budget, as the next month we will be in review, but there are some highlights I would like to …

City unveils 2020 Budget: What that means for Lowertown, Sandy Hill and Vanier Read More »

Draft Budget 2020

It is budget season at City Hall with the presentation of the draft! It’s your city and your budget, so we want to hear from you! Your feedback helps inform the City’s budget priorities and contributes to decisions about investments in services that you want and need. Have your say Share your feedback: Submit a question Submit …

Draft Budget 2020 Read More »

Good Day!

 Thank you for reaching out to my City Councillor website. I was blessed to represent residents and businesses in Lowertown, Sandy Hill, and Vanier at the City of Ottawa for 12 years (2010 to 2022).

I am keeping the website active, as a former city councillor and community leader so that residents can review and access projects, priorities and some of the most serious issues during the period I was a City Councillor for Ward 12, Rideau-Vanier.

If you are looking to connect with the City of Ottawa, I encourage you to call 311.

If you are seeking to connect with your City councillor, Stephanie Plante, please email ( or call (613-580-2482).

I remain an engaged leader in our community, in Ottawa and for the National Capital Region. If you are looking to connect with me please send me an email via: or find me on LinkedIn

Thank you.



Merci d’avoir consulté mon site Web de conseiller municipal. J’ai eu la chance de représenter les résidents et les entreprises de la Basse-Ville, de la Côte-de-Sable et de Vanier à la Ville d’Ottawa pendant 12 ans (de 2010 à 2022).

Je garde le site Web actif, en tant qu’ancien conseiller municipal et leader communautaire, afin que les résidents puissent examiner et consulter les projets, les priorités et certains des problèmes les plus graves pendant la période où j’étais conseiller municipal du quartier 12, Rideau-Vanier.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec la Ville d’Ottawa, je vous encourage à composer le 311.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec votre conseillère municipale, Stéphanie Plante, veuillez envoyer un courriel ( ou téléphoner au (613-580-2482).

Je demeure un leader engagé dans notre communauté, à Ottawa et dans la région de la capitale nationale. Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec moi, veuillez m’envoyer un courriel à l’adresse suivante : ou me trouver sur LinkedIn.

Je vous remercie.