November 2021

Celebrate the holidays in our community (Newsletter: Winter 2021)

CF Rideau Centre: Santa is back Between Nov. 19 and Dec. 24 experience the magic of the holiday season and visit Santa, in person, at the CF Rideau Centre.To keep everyone safe, visits with Santa are by reservation only and a $5 fee will apply to each booking. All fees will be donated to Youth …

Celebrate the holidays in our community (Newsletter: Winter 2021) Read More »

Infrastructure year in review (Newsletter: Winter 2021)

Montreal Road This year, Montreal Road Renewal Project has completed 1.2 kilometre out of the total 2 kilometre length of road, curbs, sidewalk, and cycle track work. This has also included landscaping, utility pole burial, bus shelters, new traffic signals and modernized public plazas at Place Dupuis, Bradley, and Emond Streets.  One lane of traffic …

Infrastructure year in review (Newsletter: Winter 2021) Read More »

No drama, no scrutiny, and no big ideas: We need to change how the City of Ottawa budgets (Newsletter: Winter 2021)

It was budget day last Wednesday at Ottawa City Hall. If you and your family didn’t notice, that’s exactly what certain people at City Hall were hoping. Over my decade as an elected official, I have witnessed the budgeting process become increasingly more ‘closed circle’ with limited analysis or opportunity for challenge at the Council …

No drama, no scrutiny, and no big ideas: We need to change how the City of Ottawa budgets (Newsletter: Winter 2021) Read More »

Welcome one and all to Annie Pootoogook Park! (Newsletter: Winter 2021)

In February 2021 Sandy Hill Park was renamed Annie Pootoogook park following a community wide effort led by Stephanie Plante. On Sunday, November 7th we held an Official Naming Ceremony to celebrate this, as well as Annie’s Legacy and Impact.  Annie Pootoogook was a well beloved Inuit artist. Her ink and crayon drawings oushed the boundaries …

Welcome one and all to Annie Pootoogook Park! (Newsletter: Winter 2021) Read More »

Riverain Park ollies up to next phase (Newsletter: Winter 2021)

As the first phase of Riverain Park comes to an end, the City has ramped up consultation and planning for phase 2 of one of our most significant park revitalization projects for Vanier.  We began construction for the modernization of Riverain Park in Fall 2020, with the renewal and upgrade of existing play structure amenities as well as added new …

Riverain Park ollies up to next phase (Newsletter: Winter 2021) Read More »

November 29th

Schedule for after-school COVID-19 vaccination clinics now available Ottawa – The schedule is now available for after-school COVID-19 vaccination clinics. From Thursday, December 2 to Thursday, December 23, 73 schools across the city will host vaccination clinics on a rotating schedule. Up to 10,000 appointments for children ages five to 11 will be available each week through these …

November 29th Read More »

A look back, and moving forward (IMAGE Sandy Hill, Winter 2021)

As we come closer to the end of the year, I am amazed at what we have accomplished as a community. Especially under these different, and uncertain times. And although a new year is fast approaching, there is still much more work that needs to be done – including completing the review of the City’s …

A look back, and moving forward (IMAGE Sandy Hill, Winter 2021) Read More »

Sweet rebuilding ahead (Perspectives Vanier, Winter 2021)

As we round out this year in Vanier, I am pleased with the accomplishments we have managed despite living within a pandemic that has altered how we live, work and play in this community. We have managed to ensure that the path forward for a brighter, modern neighbourhood is on the horizon for this lively …

Sweet rebuilding ahead (Perspectives Vanier, Winter 2021) Read More »

2022 Year of the Garden in Ottawa

On November 24th, City Council approves my motion supported by Just Food, Gardens Ottawa and the community gardening network. 2022 will be the Year Of The Garden in the city of Ottawa. These are valuable assets for quality of life & health, beauty, food security, biodiversity & enviro sustainability Here’s the motion I presented to …

2022 Year of the Garden in Ottawa Read More »

Good Day!

 Thank you for reaching out to my City Councillor website. I was blessed to represent residents and businesses in Lowertown, Sandy Hill, and Vanier at the City of Ottawa for 12 years (2010 to 2022).

I am keeping the website active, as a former city councillor and community leader so that residents can review and access projects, priorities and some of the most serious issues during the period I was a City Councillor for Ward 12, Rideau-Vanier.

If you are looking to connect with the City of Ottawa, I encourage you to call 311.

If you are seeking to connect with your City councillor, Stephanie Plante, please email ( or call (613-580-2482).

I remain an engaged leader in our community, in Ottawa and for the National Capital Region. If you are looking to connect with me please send me an email via: or find me on LinkedIn

Thank you.



Merci d’avoir consulté mon site Web de conseiller municipal. J’ai eu la chance de représenter les résidents et les entreprises de la Basse-Ville, de la Côte-de-Sable et de Vanier à la Ville d’Ottawa pendant 12 ans (de 2010 à 2022).

Je garde le site Web actif, en tant qu’ancien conseiller municipal et leader communautaire, afin que les résidents puissent examiner et consulter les projets, les priorités et certains des problèmes les plus graves pendant la période où j’étais conseiller municipal du quartier 12, Rideau-Vanier.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec la Ville d’Ottawa, je vous encourage à composer le 311.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec votre conseillère municipale, Stéphanie Plante, veuillez envoyer un courriel ( ou téléphoner au (613-580-2482).

Je demeure un leader engagé dans notre communauté, à Ottawa et dans la région de la capitale nationale. Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec moi, veuillez m’envoyer un courriel à l’adresse suivante : ou me trouver sur LinkedIn.

Je vous remercie.