October 2022

City council set to lose its strongest voice for sport as Mathieu Fleury departs

By Dan Plouffe Age 37 is often the time when many elite athletes retire from sports. For many politicians, that’s often when they’re just getting started. Mathieu Fleury more closely matches the anticipated career for an athlete career when it comes to age. But like many others who aren’t seeking re-election Monday, the downtown councillor …

City council set to lose its strongest voice for sport as Mathieu Fleury departs Read More »

Our city can do better: Here are 3 part series exploring solutions to local challenges

The City of Ottawa is facing significant challenges when it comes to housing, mental health and addictions. Our community has lived these evolving challenges directly.  Our community is one of the most desirable neighbourhoods in our city.  Mixed-use, mixed-income, walkable amenities – a community where you can truly work, live and play.   While not new …

Our city can do better: Here are 3 part series exploring solutions to local challenges Read More »

A strong Ottawa means compromise and collaboration

On Monday, residents were given an opportunity to select their next mayor and city councillor. They participated in our city’s future by choosing individuals they trust to make decisions in shaping their ideal Ottawa This is our nation’s capital, home to more than one million residents. Its 112 neighbourhoods form the wonderful big, large, diverse …

A strong Ottawa means compromise and collaboration Read More »

Community participation: A vision for Vanier

A lot can happen over a decade. In many cases, the neighbourhood street you live on can change dramatically over 10 years.  When I was first elected in 2010, Vanier was a very different place – don’t get me wrong – it was a vibrant, caring, and passionate community. Still, it was at the beginning of a significant transformation. …

Community participation: A vision for Vanier Read More »

Moving ahead: An indepth look at the TMP and what it means for Rideau-Vanier

The City is reviewing it’s mobility strategies.  How we get around is really important in a city of one million residents.  And how the City wants us to connect over the next generation, especially in the context of growth, climate impacts and public transit investment is a vital review at this point in Ottawa’s history. …

Moving ahead: An indepth look at the TMP and what it means for Rideau-Vanier Read More »

Passion, drive and commitment: Ottawa’s sports community continues to grow, change

A Sport Commissioner’s Perspective Sport is like politics.  It is unpredictable and offers an opportunity to dream. Ottawa’s sports community is active, diverse, performing and growing. As the Ottawa Sport Commissioner for over the last four years and growing up in the sports community in Ottawa, I’ve witnessed the importance of volunteers, adequate spaces and …

Passion, drive and commitment: Ottawa’s sports community continues to grow, change Read More »

Planning for the future, living in the neighbourhood now: What Sandy Hill has taught me during my 12 years in office

A lot can change in a decade.  For some cities or towns, a decade can make them unrecognizable.  Where once a field or school lay, now could be condos or a subdivision.  For the neighbourhood of Sandy Hill, nestled between a river and a university, growth outwards was next to impossible. Development inwards became next …

Planning for the future, living in the neighbourhood now: What Sandy Hill has taught me during my 12 years in office Read More »

Status Update – Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System

94% of child care providers in Ottawa have now opted in to the new Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system. What does this mean for families? Approximately 21,000 eligible children will benefit this year from a fee reduction of up to 25 per cent, retroactive to Friday, April 1, 2022.  For 2023, funding will be …

Status Update – Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System Read More »

Good Day!

 Thank you for reaching out to my City Councillor website. I was blessed to represent residents and businesses in Lowertown, Sandy Hill, and Vanier at the City of Ottawa for 12 years (2010 to 2022).

I am keeping the website active, as a former city councillor and community leader so that residents can review and access projects, priorities and some of the most serious issues during the period I was a City Councillor for Ward 12, Rideau-Vanier.

If you are looking to connect with the City of Ottawa, I encourage you to call 311.

If you are seeking to connect with your City councillor, Stephanie Plante, please email (Stephanie.plante@ottawa.ca) or call (613-580-2482).

I remain an engaged leader in our community, in Ottawa and for the National Capital Region. If you are looking to connect with me please send me an email via: info@mathieufleury.ca or find me on LinkedIn

Thank you.



Merci d’avoir consulté mon site Web de conseiller municipal. J’ai eu la chance de représenter les résidents et les entreprises de la Basse-Ville, de la Côte-de-Sable et de Vanier à la Ville d’Ottawa pendant 12 ans (de 2010 à 2022).

Je garde le site Web actif, en tant qu’ancien conseiller municipal et leader communautaire, afin que les résidents puissent examiner et consulter les projets, les priorités et certains des problèmes les plus graves pendant la période où j’étais conseiller municipal du quartier 12, Rideau-Vanier.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec la Ville d’Ottawa, je vous encourage à composer le 311.

Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec votre conseillère municipale, Stéphanie Plante, veuillez envoyer un courriel (Stephanie.plante@ottawa.ca) ou téléphoner au (613-580-2482).

Je demeure un leader engagé dans notre communauté, à Ottawa et dans la région de la capitale nationale. Si vous cherchez à communiquer avec moi, veuillez m’envoyer un courriel à l’adresse suivante : info@mathieufleury.ca ou me trouver sur LinkedIn.

Je vous remercie.