In case you did not know, I live and breathe sports.
I could spend hours playing ball hockey, kicking a soccer ball, or playing in the pool as a kid. My mom would tell you she couldn’t get me back in the house on winter nights because I was having too much fun at the outdoor rink.
I cherish how years later, the sport community, which gave me so much, now calls on me to give back by being the voice for sport in Ottawa. The sports community in Ottawa is strong and has a long history. The support is strengthened thanks to our passionate volunteer coaches and parents volunteering their time for their children to have fun, learn, and excel playing their sport.
In 2013, I challenged myself to discover the true sports community of Ottawa by completing a challenge of 52 sports with 52 different sport in our City.
Naturally, my assumptions were confirmed – young or old, summer or winter, individual or team – Ottawa sports community is alive and thriving in every part of our City.
Local sports clubs have a voice through the Ottawa Sport Council, and sporting events have a voice through Ottawa Tourism. The role of Team Fleury is to work with both to ensure coordination, investments and make Ottawa a true city of all sports. The coordination is meant to enable our sports clubs to host more local, provincial and national events and ensure that our local clubs can continue to grow and allow Ottawa athletes to compete and achieve their highest level of performance.
The team and I are glad to help facilitate this vital collaboration between sports clubs, pro-sporting organizations, and the City (including Ottawa Tourism). We strive to build Ottawa as an inclusive sport city.